Contact Me

In the process of searching for an engaging part time diversion from a self-employed business that was requiring less time, I discovered the term “Dutch Barge” in 2015.  Pursuing that term led to a new world, that of those that choose part-time or full-time life on the canals and rivers of Europe.  Originally used to mean converted commercial barges from Holland, some now over 100 years old, today the term is used for a broader range of boats.  Today, the canals are travelled by the original converted Dutch barges, converted British barges (including narrowboats and broadbeams), steel cruisers, fiberglass boats, and others.

In September 2016, we took a weeklong trip on a hire boat from Le Boat, traveling on the Canal du Nivernais.  It was a captivating experience.

Joining the Dutch Barge Association immediately upon returning home, I set about seeking the right boat for us.

While this blog is for family and friends, if I can answer any questions, share any experience or insights, regarding life on the canals, resources, or just trade stories, please feel free to contact me.

When not on the canals, Suzanne and I live in Chapin, South Carolina, USA.  I can be reached most easily at