It’s mid-April, Spring is in full blossom in South Carolina, and our thoughts are turning toward DESORMAIS, France, and what we can do in 2019.

It’s been a hectic spring, with more than the usual amount of business demands, with various property sales and refinancings under way, several with timeframes that will likely extend into the cruising season. That means an indefinite timeframe for usto depart for France which, in turn, means no real opportunity to appear months ahead of departure at the French Consulate office in Atlanta in time to secure a Visa for a stay in excess of 90 days. So, we’re planning a 90 day season this year, with a departure pushed into mid-June.
Matters became a bit more hectic when, earlier this spring, the Broker on our barge purchase advised us to consider something other than a French registration. After some floundering around and very mixed messages on the requirements, we are now working with Jitse Doeve of Doeve Makelaar to secure a Dutch registration for DESORMAIS. That is not yet complete, but we are hopeful it will be shortly. The challenges in the current environment for a US owner to own and register a replica Dutch Barge from an English seller, with the boat located in France, at the height of an imminent Brexit deadline and rising US and EU “protectionism” trends in motion are not to be underestimated in terms of facing a moving challenge. We’re hopeful Jitse can guide us to where we need to be, that being a lawfully registered boat thoughtfully and conscientiously registered in the EU in compliance with the requirements of the countries we plan to visit.
As boat owners, especially with a newly acquired boat, we’re also facing the usual number of repairs, replacements and planned improvements. Batteries, portable air con units and mattresses need to be replaced; certain tools and supplies need to be purchased, and all needs to be made ready for moving forward. Consideration of a proper water-cooled Air Conn system will probable need to wait to the end of the season, but we still plan to replace one of the portables for hot August nights.
The planned route for this season is to move down the Yonne to St. Mammes, then on round to Briare, and on to Decize. At that point, depending on travel times, head up and over on the Nivernais or, alternately, visit Digoin and (perhaps) Roanne, before making our way back to Migennes and Evans Marine by either the Nivernais or the Canal du Bourgogne.
Suzanne may likely only be present only for the first few weeks, if that, concurrent with or followed by the presence of our nephew, her Brother’s youngest son, Wade. After that, the boat is open to visitors and, with friends planning August trips to France, we hope to have some. Then it’s back to the Evans Marine yard by mid-September, but with plans for a more extended say in 2020.
I do have to note, for those who might have need of their services, the relationship, communications with, and services provided by Evans Marine, both in communications with Simon Evans and Phillipe, have been excellent. They have been responsive, exceptionally helpful, supportive and have generally made our efforts and issues with regard to the boat much easier to handle from a distance that I had hoped. If you need a lift out or in, and basic yard services in support, I can certainly recommend them. I’m aware some have posted reviews regarding issues on costs vs. quotes, and I don’t know the basis of their comments. I do know every boat and every job on each boat is unique and different. A boat yard is not an auto dealership service shop where there is a card showing the prices for each service. That being the case, I hardly understand how some can complain that the final price for their job was not the “ballpark” estimate they were given up front. It’s a boat – that happens. For us, they could not have been more forthright nor more helpful, and I’m happy to recommend them.
Enough said for now. We hope to see you on board as a welcome visitor, or to see you in passing on our journey through the canals. For those of you already setting out, our best wishes. Bon Voyage!