Since leaving my rural mooring at Villers-sur-Yonne on 2 July, I’ve been moving en aval—downstream. The locks are a different experience moving downstream. You enter the lock sitting high, you can see all the bollards and reach them easily, you can even see beyond the lock, downstream. As the water is released from the gate on the downsteam side, you gently lower into the lock with little noise and virtually no turbulence. While your sight lines become more limited, you already know what awaits when the lock doors open, as you’ve seen it whilst sitting high up.
Contrast that with moving en en amont – upstream. You enter the lock low, often with no view of what lies beyond. You enter the relative darkness of the lock, surrounded by damp walls, and sometimes struggle to find mooring locations. In the deepest of locks, you have to trust the eclusier to assist with placing your lines. The upstream gates are then opened, and water surges into the lock, often with a degree of noise and varying degrees of turbulence. In some locks, the rush of water can jostle you around, even threatening to sweep you into other boats, should you be sharing the lock. Then, in the midst of this noise and turmoil, you rise to see whatever awaits.

It would be a wonderful and easy journey on the canals were all canals en eval, but obviously that’s not how canals work. You have to endure the darkness, uncertainty and turbulence of en amont to be able to enjoy en aval – much like life.
I’m passing through towns that are now becoming familiar to me, as I visit them for the third time (including our 2016 hire boat trip). Clamcey, Chatel-Censoir, Cravant, and Vincelles, with plans to push on today (10 July) to Auxerre. Even in the short time since I passed headed upstream, the landscape has changed. Fields of ripening grain have been harvested, an endless field of green is now an endless sea of yellow sunflowers.

Two days, one in Clamcey and one in Chatel-Censoir, are spent sitting out Mother Nature, choosing not to travel in thunderstorms or steady rain.

Moving en aval is a contemplative way to travel – peaceful and serene.

That may change as I arrive this evening in Auxerre for an extended stay. You see, France is in the World Cup semi-final match tonight, Saturday is Bastille Day, and Sunday is the World Cup finals match. It looks to be an en amont kind of a week!